<body> Peaceful Beach <body>
Place where i would like to go
Sunday, February 15, 2009

I would like to go to Athens which is the capital city of Greece. The reasons i want to go there because of the amazing history of Ancient Greece. The tummy of the Earth also located at there. I wondered why i was amazed by their history. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Artemis, Athena and so on. And also i wonder why i get to know about the history of it, maybe because of my eldest sister? maybe.
Greece is also the first to have the Olympics which is a world sports competition between countries.
There's also meteora where have six monasteries and also a world heritage site.
After all, i really wished to have a chance to go there.

I went off @ 7:01 AM

Chek Jawa
Saturday, February 14, 2009

I found that carpet anemones are fascinating to me. Similar to their name, they are carpet-like marine creatures. They are the largest anemones among the sea anemones. Most people will think that it is plant, but actually their true form is actually flower-animal. Imagine if they can use to be a carpet, isn’t it comfy?

When we see it spread, we call it oral disc. They’re mobile but usually they stay on a spot waiting for their prey. Using their short and sticky tentacles, they can trap anything which is edible. The mouth is a slit in the centre of the oral disc. Amazingly, they don’t have anus, so they must spit out any indigestible from the previous meal before swallowing the next prey. Like usual marine lives, they can only survive out of water for only a while

Gained from : http://www.wildsingapore.com/chekjawa/text/g510-1.htm


1.What new information have you gained after the Virtual Tour?
A lot of unusual and fascinating marine wildlife. They are totally amazing, I've never even think that such creatures exist.

2.Have your assumptions and perspectives changed as a result of this experience? How?
Yes, at first I thought the Chek Jawa is on Jawa,Indonesia, but actually it is on Pulau Ubin. Secondly, I thought the creatures are just ordinary marine creatures but actually they are just simply fascinating.

3.How do you intend to apply your new knowledge?
I'll post it on my blog so that others people would notice the beauty of the nature so that they won't harm and pollute the nature or else the creatures will extinct.

I went off @ 4:50 AM